
Elegance and seduction, it is headed today. Manufactured on latest machines with new patterning
capability and high efficiency. Combined with BETEX knitting elements and spare parts produced a
compelling symbiosis.
You manufacture lace on your machine with the highest
standards of quality and design. We supply you with the right
knitting elements and spare parts.
BETEX, the right choice so that your creative designs of perfect quality are produced.
The product range we have: needles, tongue units, guide units, stitch comb units, trick plate units and
pattern thread guides in aluminum and steel design.

Jacquard elements of any kind: Jacquard guide needles, displacing and piezo segments. Various items
such as magnets, assemblies and aggregates.
For sure you can expect from us all: top quality with first class service.
Talk to us - we will gladly answer any question.